About Company

C.T.M. Ambiente S.r.l. is active on soundproofing market since 1994, first as a branch of C.T.M. S.p.A., an Italian company leader in thermal and acoustical insulation market and since 2001 as independent company.

Thanks to its team of engineers and skilled technicians, C.T.M. Ambiente is able to propose innovative solutions to the most various noise pollution problems and sound’s quality.


Our Services

predictional acoustic calculation
measures campaign to define acoustic reclamation
environmental noise impact studies
acoustic maps
phonometric measures pre and post noise treatments
noise tests



Some of our products/systems are installed in the foolowing countries:

Algeria | Australia | Austria | Bahrain | Belgio | Brasile | Brunei | Canada | Cile | Cina | Egitto | Francia | Gabon | Germania | Grecia | Guinea Equatoriale | Indonesia | Irlanda | Iran | Italia | Kazakhstan | Kuwait | Libia | Malesia | Nigeria | Norvegia | Oman | Polonia | Qatar | Regno Unito | Romania | Russia | Arabia Saudita | Siria | Spagna | Svezia | Svizzera | Tailandia | Tanzania | Tunisia | Vietnam | Venezuela | USA | Reunion Island | New Zealand | Israel | Denmark

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